
gratitude 01: home means nevada

Yesterday was Nevada Day.
So today I am grateful for Nevada.
I know I've said this before,
but I have 3 different homes.
One in CollegeTown, USA.
One in the heart of rural Utah.
And one at the very southern tip of NV.

I love each home for different reasons,
but truth be told, the house that built me is my very favorite.
I don't go home to BC as often as I would like,
but every time I do, I am always struck with the distinct feeling of "home."
I love sleeping in my old bedroom,
going to Church at the 5th Street chapel,
and driving down San Felipe.
Every line in the ceiling and bend in the road is so familiar.

A lot of people posted this version of
"Home Means Nevada" by Brandon Flowers on Facebook.
I really like The Killers, so naturally, I like this rendition.
(We won't go into the politics associated with this clip.)

So precious.

And can we please talk about the Nevada state-quarter design?
The beautiful one with horses?
Tell me you love Nevada's cowboy heritage too.

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